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  • Procurement Services
  • Onecard System
  • Terms and Conditions of Use
  • Terms and Conditions of Use

    Terms and Conditions of Use

    1. The cardholder agrees that the OneCard shall be the property of the College. The cardholder further agrees to return the OneCard to the College upon request by authorized college personnel.
    2. The cardholder agrees that the OneCard is not transferable and is to be used only by the person to whom it is issued.
    3. By depositing funds into the Gopher Bucks Account, the cardholder agrees to all the terms, conditions, rules, and regulations contained in the General Disclosure section of this booklet.
    4. Verification of enrollment is required prior to being issued a OneCard.

    General Disclosure

    Electronic Fund Transfer services permit the cardholder and others to transfer funds without the use of cash or checks. At Goucher, one means by which funds can be transferred is the use of the OneCard. The card may be used at a number of readers on and off campus to make purchases from cardholder accounts.

    The Electronic Fund Transfer Act (the "Act") protects cardholders in their use of Electronic Fund Transfer services. Described below are important notices regarding your rights under the Act. Retain this disclosure for future reference.


    Limitations on Frequency

    There are no limitations on the number of times you may use your OneCard as long as you do not exceed the dollar amount available in your account.

    Limitations on Dollar Amounts

    There are no limitations on the dollar amount of any transaction as long as you do not exceed the dollar amount available in your account.

    Right to Receive Documentation on Transfers

    1. Reader transfers

    2. Periodic Statements

    Disclosure of the College's Liability for Failure to Make Transfers

    If we do not properly complete a transfer to or from your account, according to this agreement, we may be liable for any losses or damages. Please note the following exceptions. The college is not liable for failure to make transfers if:

    1. Through no fault of the college, your account does not contain enough money to make the transfer;
    2. The OneCard reader was not working properly and you were aware of the malfunction when the transfer began;
    3. Circumstances beyond our control prevent the transfer. These circumstances may include, but are not limited to, any of the following events: fire, flood, or other catastrophe, legal acts of public authorities, strikes, riots, failure of communications or power supply or mechanical difficulties with the equipment which occur despite reasonable precautions that have been taken by the college; or
    4. Your account has been blocked to prevent unauthorized usage.

    Additional exceptions may be added at the discretion of the college.

    Disclosure of Account Information to Third Parties

    Account information may be disclosed to a third party for the following reasons:

    1. To complete transfers
    2. To verify the existence and condition of your account for a third party with whom the college contracts to manage the OneCard program
    3. To comply with a government subpoena or court order
    4. If you supply the college with written permission

    Liability for Lost or Stolen Cards

    Call the Office of Campus Safety at 410-337-6112 immediately if you believe that your OneCard has been lost or stolen. Security will block the card to prevent unauthorized usage. Your maximum liability for unauthorized use of your lost or stolen OneCard is $50, provided we are notified within two business days after your knowledge of its theft or loss.

    Photo identification (preferably government-issued) will be required to provide a new or replacement OneCard.

    In the Event of Unauthorized Transfer, Lost, or Stolen Card

    If your statement shows transfers you did not make, notify the Controller's Office immediately. If we are not notified within 60 days after the statement was provided, you may not be eligible to receive replacement funds. The time limit for reporting unauthorized electronic fund transfers that appear on your statement may be extended due to extenuating circumstances such as travel or hospitalization. You may write to us at Goucher College, Controller's Office, 1021 Dulaney Valley Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21204. Include the following information:

    In Case of Errors or Questions

    To report an error regarding a OneCard transaction email or contact the Controller's Office.

    If you believe your statement or receipt is incorrect or if you need more information about a transfer listed on the statement or receipt, contact the Controller's Office immediately.

    We must hear from you within 60 days after the statement containing the problem or error was made available to you. Include the following:

    In addition to notifying us by telephone or in person, we may require a written statement within 10 business days of notification. Once we are notified, the results of our investigation will be available within 10 business days. Any error will be corrected promptly. If additional time is required to resolve the issue, we may take up to 45 calendar days to complete our investigation. If this is the case, we will provisionally credit your account on the tenth business day for the amount in dispute. You will have the use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. If we request a written description of the problem and it is not received within 10 business days, your account may not be provisionally credited.

    If our investigation determines there was no error, you will be sent a written explanation within three business days once the investigation is concluded. You may request copies of the documents that were used in the investigation.

    Privacy Statement

    The identification number listed on your OneCard and all information related to your account are a part of your official college record. This information is subject to the college's policy on student records and FERPA. The college reserves the right to release this number and other information about your account to authorized college personnel and to Blackboard Inc., and to other third parties with whom the college has contracted to manage the OneCard program.

    Blackboard Inc. and other third parties have entered into agreements to maintain the confidentiality of information related to OneCard transactions, however, the college cannot guarantee the confidential treatment of personal information, including your OneCard number, that you provide to off-campus vendors. The OneCard program is offered as a convenience to you and your use of the OneCard at off-campus vendors is voluntary. Thus, the College will not be responsible for any losses you may suffer as a result of the improper use of your confidential information by off-campus vendors or other third parties. Blackboard will, from time to time, use your Directory Information (as defined in the college's FERPA Policy) to send you or your parents mail, e-mail, or other marketing materials for purposes of marketing the OneCard program and informing you about vendors that participate in the program. If you wish to restrict the use of your Directory Information for this purpose, you should consult the Registrar's office for the proper form to complete and give a copy to the OneCard Office.

    Change in Terms or Conditions

    The college shall mail or deliver a written notice at least 21 days before the effective date of any change in a term or condition if the change would result in increased fees or charges, increased liability for the cardholder, fewer types of available electronic fund transfers or stricter limitations on the frequency or dollar amounts of transfers.

    Prior notice need not be given where an immediate change in terms or conditions is necessary to maintain or restore the security of an electronic fund transfer system or account. However, if a change is permanent, the college shall provide written notice of the change to the cardholder on or with the next regularly scheduled periodic statement or within 30 days, unless such disclosure would jeopardize the security of the system or account.